10 Free Coffee Paper Textures

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10 free coffee paper textures

If you're looking for an easy way to add a touch of vintage to your designs, then look no further than this freebie! This helpful set of 10 coffee paper textures is perfect for any project that calls for a bit of grungy spirit. Each texture is a high-res JPG image, so you can easily print them out and use them for pamphlets, cards, and packaging projects. You can also use them as part of a web design project, adding an eye-catching touch of vintage with just a few clicks.

These ready-made vintage paper textures from Pixel Budha are a great time-saver and tutorial-skipper for anyone who wants to give their projects an aged look without having to put in the time and effort of aging the paper with coffee. Plus, you'll be able to smell the coffee scent just by looking at the images! So next time you need to add a touch of vintage to your designs, you know where to find the perfect paper textures.

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